Dienstag, 27. März 2012

20 Wochen und einen Tag

Zwei Wochen später... leider bin ich mitten im Umzugsstress mit renovieren und allem was dazu gehört.

Gewicht: 3.0 Kg
Größe: 27,5 cm SH

3 Kommentare:

  1. Anonym3/16/2013

    And greetings from Finland! I have Jenkins full-sister Cindy (born 25.10.2012). They are so similar! I'm just interested to know how big and weight Jenkins does right now? So I know better how big Cindy will grown. :)

    Emilia & Cindy

  2. Hello Emilia and Cindy,
    Jenkins is about 32 cm high and weight about 4 KG.. I'm glad to hear from you and your little Cindy, do you have pictures of her? Facebook or something? I would love to see her.

    Hannah and Jenkins

  3. Anonym3/29/2013

    Hey again,
    Thank you for the information!

    I have Facebook, so you can add me to your friend with email (emilia.nuppu@hotmail.com). I have a lot of pics there. I would also love to see some new pics of Jenkins. :)

    Emilia & Cindy
